Building Hall Display

Main Building Hall Display
You will be given a small display case in which you will visually present your topic in an engaging and creative way that strives to encourage interest in your cause. Display cases vary in size and location, however you will be allowed to visit and measure your space prior to the due date (various types of display cases can be found around the school, typically at the top of the stairs of each major school building). It is important that you utilize your space effectively. Take into consideration the location and height of your display when designing your exhibit. Your goal is to create a display (preferably 3-D) that will engage as well as disseminate valuable information to your viewer. Your group members’ names must be clearly visible in the display.

You should create a write-up to go in the portfolio explaining your exhibit. The write-up should include the following: title of your project, the materials that went into creating the display, specific identification of where your display is located, and an explanation of your exhibit and why you chose to present it the way that you did.

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